Spread the Word is celebrating the publication of Historic England’s High Street Tales ebook today, Wednesday 10 February. Spread the Word commissioned writer Merrie Joy Williams to explore Woolwich High Street, and her short story inspired by her residency, ‘In Between Days’, is published in the anthology.
High Street Tales saw eight writers take part in this new storytelling initiative to uncover the hidden histories and celebrate the everyday magic of the high street. The commissioned stories are now being released as a podcast series and published in an ebook. You can download and read the ebook for free here: bit.ly/highstreettales
The ebook anthology features Spread the Word’s commissioned writer Merrie Joy Williams, alongside Celia Bryce, Robin Pridy, Maria Whatton, Rod Duncan, Rebecca Tantony, Ellie McKinlay-Khojinian and Ligia Macedo. The high streets featured in the stories are located in: Great Yarmouth, Hastings, Leicester, North Shields, Wednesbury, Weston-super-Mare and Woolwich
High Street Tales is part of Historic England’s high street cultural programme; four years of nationwide cultural activity helping to make high streets more attractive, engaging and vibrant places for people to live, work and spend time. The programme is run by Historic England, in partnership with Heritage Lottery Fund and Arts Council England.
Each week starting from today, Wednesday 10 February, a podcast episode featuring one of the short stories will be released to download and listen to on Spotify and Apple podcasts.
‘In Between Days’ by Merrie Joy Williams will be released as a podcast on Wednesday 24 February.

Published 10 February 2021